Sunday, February 3, 2013

Bad Personality Traits

  • May be what many would call a "sucker" - vulnerable to schemers and con artists.

  • May get themselves into dangerous situations because they are too eager to push the envelope of their understanding, and not willing to apply judgment to anything.

  • May feel intense anger towards people who criticise them or try to control them, but will be unable to express the anger. Left unexpressed, the anger may fester, simmer, and become destructive.

  • May blame their problems on other people, using logic and ration to defend themselves against the world.

  • May develop strong negative judgments that are difficut to unseat against people who they perceive have been oppressive to them.

  • May get involved with drugs, alcohol, or promiscuity, and generally seek mindless experiences and sensations.

  • May skip from relationship to relationship without the ability to commit.

  • May start projects but be unable to finish them.

  • May be unable to keep a job for any length of time.

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